(Not) Good Enough

(Not) Good Enough

Something that has been coming up some lately for me has been not feeling good enough. This is a feeling that I have had since childhood from messages that were given to me, needing to show perfection in every aspect of my life, and the demands that were put on me at a very young age.

I solved that feeling in my later years, by turning to alcohol. It made me forget everything that was going on around me externally in life and internally in my head, which included the feeling of not being good enough. Of course, what ended up happening in my last years of drinking, was that the drink didn’t work anymore and no matter how much I drank, those feelings wouldn’t go away.

Now, a few years sober, I still find that these thoughts like to creep in occasionally. Over the years in sobriety, I’ve tried to better myself, met and talked with my sponsor and worked the steps, but I am not perfect and my mind likes to play tricks on me. It tells me things that are just not true, like not being good enough. I get these feelings when life just doesn’t seem to be going my way, when I mess things up, fail at something, can’t get everything done that I need to, forget things, say something that maybe I shouldn’t have said, when I think about how I should be doing better for myself with a career, money, my emotions, my sanity, my health, my spirituality, etc. You name it, there’s a lot that can get me feeling this way if I let it. And lately, I have definitely been letting it. Simple things can set me off, someone says something off, I do something wrong at work, I walk into a room and forget why I walked in there, I forget something at home that needs to be returned, the list goes on and on…its nuts and its starting to drive me a little insane. I start feeling agitated, anxious, and definitely not at peace.

So, I guess the first question is what is good enough? Maybe good enough is just not taking a drink today. Maybe good enough is own up to my mistakes when I make one. Maybe it means to apologize when I am in the wrong. Maybe when I walk in a room and forget something, I laugh at myself instead. Maybe it means that I am not perfect and I am not supposed to be. Maybe it means that God made me exactly the way He did for a reason, and that alone is good enough.

The second question is perhaps the most important, finding the solution: what do I do about it? Well, first of all I realize that I am in fact human, which means I am not perfect and I don’t have to do everything perfectly. Secondly, I remember my gratitude and man, there’s a lot. Maybe I’m not exactly where I want to be with certain things, but look at far I’ve come in the last 5 years. I have a roof over my head in a house that I actually own, I have a job that I get to go to every day, I have money that pays the bills, I have the opportunity to actually get myself to the doctor when I’m not feeling well, I have amazing families that actually want me around, I have two dogs that actually seem to want my love and affection, I have the best friends that anyone could have ever asked for, and I have the most wonderful and amazing husband that I could have never dreamed of having. I am surrounded by love and support every single day. I don’t have to take a drink today. I believe in a God that I know walks with me and guides me every day. I have the choice to have a different perspective, I have the choice to help people, I have the choice to experience peace today. And I have a choice to believe in myself, love myself, and love every second of this beautiful life. The here and now is right where I need to be and that is good enough for me.

Merry Mess

Merry Mess

As we are approaching the holiday season, I see Christmas EVERYWHERE. Every single store I am in, I see nothing but Christmas. It almost seems like the Thanksgiving season has just totally been forgotten. Either way, when you spy decorations, gifts, wrapping paper, baking items that are all things holiday, what you tend to find right around the corner, is all things stress.

I remember the day when the holidays were so easy. Let’s start at kids. All we had to do was try to get some sleep on Christmas Eve and run downstairs Christmas morning to see what Santa had brought us. Then we would have a nice holiday breakfast, open presents from family, and hang out all day until dinner that night. What I didn’t know as a child was how much it really takes to properly partake in the holidays. What all my parents, especially my mom had to do for the holiday season: the money spent, the time spent, the planning done, etc., is quite a feat.

Fast forward a few years where I still didn’t have a care in the world about the holiday season and was still living like a child, even though I was 20 something years old at the time. Next, we have my first couple of years sober, where I had gotten my conscience back and actually wanted to start truly participating, buying presents, sending cards, making baked goods, trying to spread some holiday cheer.

Today, however, is truly a whole other ball game. 5 plus years sober, married and 4 + families under my belt, my stress level is through the roof. Among my every day, ever so busy life, I also get to prepare for this holiday season. Starting with Thanksgiving, its almost like we have to clone ourselves to get to everywhere we need to go that day. I guess we need to figure out how to do that and fast. Then I think about the presents to buy, the food to make, the cards to send, the calls to make, the presents to wrap, and let’s not even mention thinking about Christmas plans. We are talking about time and money that we don’t have. I guess I finally know what it feels like to be an adult, and it only took me about 30 years to get here.

Why are we so stressed? What are Thanksgiving and Christmas really about? I guess we are stressed because of how much pressure the holidays put on us. There is a certain protocol and stigma centered around this time of year, everything that we are expected to do. But what if we took the holiday season and turned it back into what it was meant to be, a time of blessing, thankfulness, happiness, and joy. I thought about this especially recently, when I went to lunch with my mom a couple of weeks ago. I was flooded by a sense of peace and happiness, just to have the opportunity to be having lunch with my mom. There used to be a time in my life, where I couldn’t do that, or be any kind of usefulness to anyone, for that matter. I thought about how much I love my mom and my family and how blessed I am to not only have one family, but 4 +, on top of my very own, favorite family consisting of two crazy dogs and one amazing husband.

How could I be so ungrateful and let that stress get the better of me? That’s when as a sober individual, we get to live in each moment and enjoy every minute we have with our families. Today I have the choice to cherish these precious moments, take in the love, put a smile on my face, and remember just how good God really is. So, this holiday season, I will take with gratitude, grace, and nothing but love. Or at least, that is the goal. I also didn’t say I was perfect, but thank God it’s all about progress, but perfection. Thank God for that, and thank God for this beautiful life.



After being out of commission for a few days, my recent experiences have prompted me to write this topic for a new blog post: “Sick”. Exactly what kind of sick am I talking about? Well, there are many kinds of SICK, physical, emotional, and spiritual, so let’s talk about them all. I remember when I was newly sober, they told me that my disease was a sickness of the mind, body and soul. That once we got rid of the alcohol and started feeling better physically, we then had to get ourselves better emotionally and spiritually. What I learned is that continuing to drink, I was being blocked from the sunlight of the spirit, but that I couldn’t work on the latter, without physically getting ourselves better first.

Something that I have been struggling with for the past couple of years is physically being sick. And its the kind of sick, that no matter how many tests are run, medicines are tried, and diets are started, somehow, we still can’t figure out exactly what is going on inside of my body. I thank God for my husband, because he has been with me every step of the way, cheering me on, and feeding me hope, strength, peace, and unconditional love. He has this way about him, that always calms me down in the most stressful situations. I also have to say that I can’t fault the doctors, they are doing their best, but as the “sick” individual, its the most frustrating thing in the world. Most recently my symptoms have been getting worse, the pain, nausea, the fatigue, and overall feeling of being unwell, just wont go away.

What I have also found is as the symptoms progress, more tests are done, and more questions are being unanswered, the emotional and spiritual parts of me are suffering too, they are “sick” if you will. I feel more of a disconnect with God, more frustrations with myself, my job, the dogs, etc, and my emotions seem to be through the roof at times. Up. Down. Up. Down. It almost reminds me of early sobriety. Just like in early sobriety, it was virtually impossible to find a connection with God, and try to work on myself, without taking the drink away and physically getting ourselves well first. Now you are trying to tell me, that even though I am physically unwell, and it seems that I won’t be feeling any better today, that emotionally I need to be of a sane mind and spiritually I need to be connected to my Higher Power. How the hell am I supposed to do that? Of course when they say the pain gets great enough, we WILL do something different.

What I have learned is that I have to work even harder at these things now. Do I do it perfectly? Absolutely not. There are days I fall short, I still get frustrated, I get down with myself, I feel anxious, and disconnected, but that doesn’t mean I quit. I just try again tomorrow. By working more persistently, I have been able to find things that I am truly passionate about, writing, painting, decorating, helping others. It all gets me out of myself, become closer to God, and makes me forget about the fact that I just don’t feel good. My husband also helps in more ways than he knows. He encourages me to seek the sunlight of the spirit even more, because I watch him do it every day. They never said that sobriety would be easy and they especially didn’t say that life would be easy, and that’s okay. What I do know is that I am truly blessed to be on this beautiful, crazy journey, that we call life. And one day at a time, we will rock at it, knowing that God and the amazing people that support and love us, will forever be by our side, walking with or carrying us, every step of the way.

The Next Right Thing

The Next Right Thing

Hello everyone and happy Friday! Thank goodness its Friday, right? I remember, back in the day I couldn’t wait for Friday, because it gave me even more of an excuse to drink the way I wanted to. Tonight, a few years later, I have a different kind of Friday.

Usually I am so exhausted from go, go, going during the week, that I completely crash on Fridays, and am pretty much good for nothing. It kind of turns into my regroup evening, and hey, I think I deserve a day like that ever once in a while. Today after work, my husband and I came home to be greeted by our very large, in charge, and couldn’t be happier to see us, two dogs. They are a mess, but it is definitely a good feeling to come home to. We said our hellos with kisses, hugs and play time. Then my husband started to grill. Thank goodness, because I am definitely not what one would call a grill master. My husband, on the other hand, definitely is and actually enjoys it, so, hats off to him. Keep doing your thing, babe because you rock at it! We made the rest of dinner and I went around the house straightening and rearranging probably about half of the house, because for some reason I feel like I always need to be doing 25 things at once. We had a cozy dinner with place settings, conversations, and laughs.

As my husband went to a meeting tonight (yes he is one of us too!), I stayed home to clean the kitchen and do a little writing. The kind of writing I am talking about tonight is in the form of a letter. A very special letter to a very special person. This person is where I was, not too long ago, on the “inside” and cleaning up the wreckage of her past. I couldn’t be more proud. I knew this particular woman from a few years ago. She was living at the same treatment center that I had attended and was doing the deal. She is such a beautiful soul and we became fairly close. Then, as so many of us do, she lost her way, but by God’s grace was able to find the path again even in a place such as where she is now.

I remember when I was incarcerated, sometimes the only form of hope, love, and support, came in the form of letters. I remember the first day that I received a letter, I’m sure that I couldn’t stop crying. I had such an amazing support system, and I can honestly say, I received at least one letter every single day I was on “the inside”. I don’t think I can properly explain just how profound and wonderful that was. God winks all over the place. Thank God for the friends and family who took the time out of their busy days, just to write me a letter. No matter how long or how short, they all meant the absolute world to me. They were those little rays of hope and light, that kept shining for me in the darkness that was in my surroundings. I couldn’t thank God enough for those people and those letters.

So now, it gets to be my turn and I couldn’t be more grateful. I got to write one of those letters, but this time on the other side. I had the opportunity to be able to give just a little hope, strength, love and light, to someone who I can relate to and someone who I know what its like to be where she is right now. One of the promises that is given to us when we find this new way of life, is that we will not regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it. There was a time when I wished none of my past existed, but what I know now, is I went through everything that I went to because that was how it was supposed to be. I believe it is now my purpose to help others in need by giving back and telling my story, my whole story, hoping that someone out there can relate. My purpose is to give my experience, strength and hope as it was so freely given to me. My past was not the easiest, in active alcoholism, early sobriety, or even a few years down the road, but that’s what makes me who I am. I use all of it to share with someone else. I thank God everyday for giving me a purpose, a purpose to shine just a little bit of light in the sickness, misery, and darkness. Just a little bit of light to show that recovery IS possible, and no matter what we go through, there will always be a way to get to the other side.

12th Step Work

12th Step Work

Through the years in sobriety I have changed direction a time or two with the service work I participate in. I started at one homegroup, young in sobriety I greeted, led the newcomers meetings, chaired meetings, led discussions, then became a co-chair of the Newcomers Committee. It got to a point where I felt like I needed a spiritual boost, my growth had been stunted, and I needed to do something different. Don’t get me wrong, it is an amazing homegroup and was the perfect place for a new woman in sobriety.

But when you have that gut feeling, you probably need to make a change. I moved to a different homegroup and continued serving, because that is what we are supposed to do, after all. I was sponsoring other women, chairing meetings, was the Chair Person and Secretary for our business meetings, led discussions, and spoke wherever I was asked. I still do these things today. This again, was another change that I needed at the time.

But then I needed something more. Us alcoholics, always need MORE. So I went a little further and started bringing meetings into the women’s jail and the detox facility and suddenly felt fulfilled. These volunteer jobs have been the most amazing experiences that I have been able to participate in. I think perhaps, I have finally found my calling, my passion. Isn’t that what we look for our entire lives? Something that we get to be involved in on a regular basis, AND it can actually be something that we love and are passionate about. That is truly something special.

Why am I writing about this tonight? Well, because I just came from bringing a meeting into a detox facility. Tonight was particularly meaningful because I got to do this for the first time as a leader of the meeting, and 2 newly sober women came with me. One, who I met that night, about 3 months sober, and the other, my newest sponsee, a few days sober. I love being able to experience bringing meetings into places like that, but I especially doing it with newly sober women who have never experienced that before. To see the light come on in people’s eyes, to be part of a first experience like that, is truly a magical thing. I can appreciate where I came from and I pray the women who were with me tonight, could have that same appreciation. It can be an easy thing to forget, even when we are just a few days sober. I have learned that with these activities, not only do I get to try to help others, but it also keeps it green for me. It gives me a reminder of where I used to be and where I most certainly don’t want to go back to, just for today.

I find this particularly moving, because all I can think about is where I was a little over 5 years ago, in that exact same spot. Never did I think that I would be helping people in this way. When I was out there drinking, I wouldn’t help anyone. I was selfish and self centered and it didn’t even cross my mind that other people needed help. I was the only one that mattered. That’s what drinking will do to you. It hides our innermost self. I thank God I get to be the true person that God wants me to be today. Is it work to be selfless, God centered, looking for the next person to help, and constantly taking action to enlarge my spiritual life? Of course it is. But I can without a doubt say how worth it, it truly is. It’s the best “high” I have ever had. A high that drugs and alcohol couldn’t even touch.