Work with Me

The program I follow that has gotten me sober and kept me sober is a design for living and is one that encourages us to reach out and help those who are still sick and suffering. I will continue to spread the message, of hope, strength and faith. I think we can all use a little help and at some point or another might need to recover from something: whether its physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual that is getting us down.

My program teaches me that the one way it can work is for one alcoholic to help another alcoholic. I believe this to be true for whatever you are going through. If we both have been through the same thing, we can relate with each other, which in turn can shine a little bit of hope to the one who is still suffering. There is a better way. It takes time, but from experience, I know it is possible to get to the other side.

I would love to be able to help.

Feel like a one on one session? Need someone to talk to? I am as real as they come and I am more than willing to give my experience. Because who wants to listen to a lecture of how we need to be better or do better? No one. We get down on the same level together and I pass along what has helped me. We are only human. We are not perfect, we make mistakes, but if we stick together, I believe nothing is impossible.